Episode 142 Men

1 year ago

In this episode we talk about MEN!

And no, we aren’t going off about how terrible they are, in fact it’s quite the opposite!

We are honestly tired of the hate to men.

We are tired of hearing toxic masculinity and tired of hearing that men shouldn’t be men.

Cuz that is dangerous and why we are where we are today.

Men absolutely should be in touch with their feminine side and feminine leaning males are amazing and should be protected HOWEVER that does not mean that the alpha type, the manly man should be demonized. Or inherently bad.

Are there bad men? OH yes.

But that’s not a gender issue. That’s a human being issue.

We forgot that men have really hard jobs, they have to away from home more, they have high suicidal rates and more likely to be enlisted or go to prison.

Most men are told not to feel but get demonized when they express them.

Most are never taught how to channel their energy or emotions, just swallow it.

Welll that doesn’t work either.

So we chat about how we can support our men instead of pushing them down!!

Make sure to tune in!

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