Cast out your Nets

1 year ago

HARVEST TIME IS NOW! 🌾 The fields are ripe! Now is the time to share Jesus and His works with everyone; including those who were not interested before and those who you’ve counted out. There have been seeds planted in peoole, God has caused the seeds to grow and now there is a ripe harvest spiritually in people! It’s time to labor for God and spread the good news in every way possible! 🔥🔥🔥🔥

JOHN 4:35
Don’t you have a saying, ‘It’s still four months until harvest’? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest. 🌾

Luke 5:4-8 🎣 🛶
#revivalisnow #actschurchisback #revival #miracles #prophetic #propheticministry #deliverance #believer #powerofGod #christian #christianity #faith #Jesus #God #apostle #lachurch #losangeleschurch #believe #miraculous #anointing #love #victory #wisdom #revivalinthepark #freedom #testimony #fivefoldministry #church

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