Under the Wire Special Event: Victorian Ambos Fight for Justice!

11 months ago

Jessica worked as a paramedic for over 18 years. She was run off her feet during the first year of the COVID situation before the jab was introduced, as were her fellow Ambulance officers.

In December 2021, 10 months after the COVID jab was released, she and any other ‘unvaccinated’ workers were terminated from the Ambulance service.

Today, after many struggles against a system that does not recognise or honour informed choice or bodily integrity, the services of an experienced Barrister and solicitor have been obtained and it is hoped that their case will be filed before the Statute of Limitations expires in December 2023.

Jessica speaks with me to share this story and to appeal for support from the public to do two things:

1- to join in this action if you lost your job with the Ambulance service due to the COVID mandates in Victoria; and
2- to support this case financially - by any amount - if you are able.

You can read more here - http://aw4a.com.au/ - and donate on Paypal here - https://www.paypal.com/donate?campaign_id=EFWBJT2XCHUD6

Some articles to read about this issue:

Hundreds of Victorian ambulance paramedics decline COVID-19 vaccine
- https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-09-03/victorian-ambulance-paramedics-decline-covid19-vaccine/100430280

At least half of Victoria’s paramedics yet to receive Covid vaccine - https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2021/jun/03/at-least-half-of-victorias-paramedics-yet-to-receive-covid-vaccine

Victorian Ambulance Union says it does not support mandatory vaccination - https://www.abc.net.au/melbourne/programs/mornings/covid-vaccine-ambos/13525976

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