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Westerly RI Town Councilor Kevin Lowther Shows Disrespect At Council Meeting By Singing Black National Anthem Prior To The American Pledge Of Allegiance To The Flag

1 year ago

On July 11th, 2023, the Westerly Town Council stuns the public by allowing Councilor Kevin Lowther to sing what’s commonly known as the black national anthem before the customary Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

What is going on in Westerly, Rhode Island that allows the progressive left to insert itself in the time honored traditions of reciting the Pledge of Allegiance to start off public meetings?

Will every unique group be allowed to sing, say a poem, read a manifesto before the Pledge of Allegiance?


  • 0/2000
  • AMERICA IS YOU BLACK NATIONAL ANTHEM I don’t live in Westerly, but I share most of the concerns of this group, this is why I post here, and will continue to post here as long as I am accepted. I live in Johnston, and I must say that at least you residents in Westerly certainly do give a dam. I post on a dozen groups in R.I. and around the nation to those groups who do give a dam and who are trying to correct the crooked path upon which the Left has been trying to lead us. That said, I am wondering when did the Black community become a nation, one that creates a national anthem? What exactly is it, better still who are they to be pandered to? That is the first thing I would want to know from my council persons, and then ask why? I fine it difficult to understand any meeting of public officials anywhere in this great country of ours allowing any anthem of any kind being sung except for our National Anthem. We sing it for a reason, a honorable an righteous reason, or love, respect, and recognition of past sacrifices of Americans of all races and creeds. All colors of our human race are already represented in the symbols of our Stars and Stripes, our National anthem, and especially our Constitution. It is about time that all Americans of all colors be reminded of this, and that nothing else will be tolerated in any public forum whose purpose has been imbued by the United States Constitution. If a private group wishes to have an anthem, so be it, sing it in private, sing it at a club, or even a protest march if you will, but at any function, meeting, or gathering where the United States is always primarily represented with the Anthem, it can only be our National Anthem. It is never sung to appease or pander to special interest groups, but always to be thankful, appreciative, and respectful as to why we made it this far, and who made it happen. Alan James Gudaitis 7/12/2023

  • Public displays of virtue signalling are as despicable. As Matt Walsh say, What is a woman?, I ask, What is a black? Surely a color and not a classification of a person. For if one must self identify as a black, or self identify as a woman, we lack Truth.

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