Quick tip to learn to HEAR GOD’S VOICE

11 months ago

Read below👇🏻👇🏻 for more tips and explanation!

You can only learn to hear God’s voice by waiting on Him, and ACTING on what you hear!

It’s not always some big profound, clear revelation like an audible voice…

It requires FAITH to believe what you’re hearing is from God!

#1 tip is READ THE BIBLE!

I can’t stress this enough- you can’t expect to hear God even through a thought, impression or dream if you aren’t reading His Word!

Reading the Bible teaches you WHO God is and what is nature is like!

You will NEVER hear something that contradicts the written Word of God!

If you do, it’s the enemy and a deceiving spirit.

Test what you hear with God’s Written Word.

Then, act on it in faith. And see what fruit it produces.

If you sense He’s telling you to apply for that job,
Or pray for that person.
You’ll be able to see the fruit of the Kingdom that comes through your obedient action.

For me, one of the first times, was a thought that said to give up snowboarding.

I acted on it, gave it up, and started seeking God everyday.

It changed my life!! All because I ACTED in FAITH to this tiny thought In my head I thought could be God!
Ways God speaks;
God can speak through your own thoughts.
Through visions in your mind.
Through dreams.
Through open visions.
Through other people.
Through signs.
Through physical manifestations.
Through audible voices.
And many other ways.

The most important thing is to not BOAST about the revelations or words your getting from Jesus.

But rather, obey the words so that real Kingdom FRUIT is being produced in your life.

How do you most commonly hear God?
Let me know if this was helpful in the comments!

#prayer #hearinggod #god #religion #tips #faith #jesus #prayerworks #christian #christianreels #dailydevotional #holyspirit #worship

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