Fire & Blood Vol. 1 | A Time of Testing - The Realm Remade (Chapter 8)

1 year ago

Jaehaerys returned to King’s Landing as a true king on his dragon. Straight away, he set to work with his council, allowing some of his mother’s choices to remain in place, but getting rid of others. When he had thoroughly cleaned out the castle, emptying the cells of prisoners his uncle had wrongly imprisoned, he called Rogar Baratheon to him. Rogar assumed he would be sent to the wall at best, and executed at worse, but Jaehaerys pardoned his treasons and asked him to return to his service under the condition that he act chivalrously toward Alyssa and Alyssane. With tears in his eyes, Rogar agreed. The king then went on to install Rego Draz, a foreigner from Pentos who had become one of the richest men in the world on his own.

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