Banias, The Pure Seed Rising Part One | Prepare the Way | Archbishop Dominiquae Bierman

1 year ago

Prepare the Way: Banias, The Pure Seed Rising Part One with Archbishop Dominiquae Bierman

Join our tour group at the site of the headwaters of the Jordan River at Banias, site of the Temple of Pan (god that is half goat and half man). The mixing of human seed with animals is detestable to Yah, as was the mating of daughters of men with fallen angels (Gen. 6) that produced hybrid humans. So listen as we share the understanding of why this worship site is a portal which affects much of today’s religious systems in the Land and beyond. It is where one of the oldest churches of the 4th century was found and excavated, unveiling how pagan and Christian altars here were clearly mingled together.

Mixtures (hybrids) of worship are being dismantled in our day. The Bride of Messiah must be cleansed, as even today worship altars of Christianity exist where other gods have been hiding in plain sight. His ecclesia has been operating like this hybrid since the Council of Nicea, but the good news is that a great movement of Yah is once again revealing to us the Truth, cutting off pagan roots so that multitudes are now grafting into the olive tree of Israel (Romans 11).

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