Beware of Christian Brothers Automotive: Exposing Dishonest Scammers on Camera!

1 year ago

My trusty old 2003 Ford F150 4.6L V8 work truck finally hit a snag yesterday. It started leaking coolant from one of the heater hoses near the back of the engine. So, I took it to Christian Brothers Automotive in Katy, TX, for an advertised $79.95 cooling system diagnosis. Everything went sideways from there.

Offending service location (hall of shame):
Christian Brothers Automotive
500 Westgreen Blvd, Katy, TX 77450

They sat on the truck all day and cost me 6+ hours of my life for absolutely ZERO reward... actually, less than zero... I paid them for my lost time! They never called me to advise of the status or the repair estimate. So, I called in the late afternoon to get a status update, and that's when they hit me with a $4000 repair estimate! Are you f***ing kidding me?! I said, "Thanks, but no... I'll keep my sphincter intact today!"

I agreed to pay their inflated diagnostic fee (which was supposed to be $79.95 instead of $149.95), and that's when the tech advised me that the current total was $350! For what?! He said the extra fees were for coolant, a cooling system flush, and an oil change. I drove to their shop and begrudgingly agreed to pay the bail fees for my truck. Of course, I gave them an earful for the BS and their ridiculously horrible customer service.

I drove home and noticed it was still leaking OLD coolant on my driveway... wait, what?! They did NOTHING to the truck except waste my time, give me a bloated estimate, and fraudulently charge me for services they didn't perform! No cooling system flush, no fresh antifreeze, and NO OIL CHANGE!

I immediately called the shop and advised them to void my invoice minus their BS diagnostic fee. The manager agreed to refund everything except the $79.95 as quoted initially. I told him that everything (including dashcam footage) was recorded on video to illustrate their blatant misconduct and fraud in this case. Unsurprisingly, he called me back about 3 minues later and offered to cancel the entire transaction.

The real question is: how many other customers have they blatantly ripped-off and STOLEN money from without rendering services?! I firmly believe that the only reason they agreed to refund me is because I had everything on camera! That is inexcusable and criminal behavior, in my opinion. 😒👎


#automotiverepair #scam #scammer
2003 Ford F150 SuperCrew 4.6
automotive service scams
auto mechanic scams
auto repair fraud

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