Top 5 Weird But True Facts About Science To Amaze and Surprise Everyone

1 year ago

Top 5 Weird But True Facts About Science To Amaze and Surprise Everyone
You may not believe us, but they’re true
1. Scientists don’t know why we yawn, but it may be a way to help regulate body temperature or even cool down the brain.
2. Although oxygen is colorless as a gas, when it’s a liquid or solid it has a pale blue color.
3. If you pour a handful of salt into a full glass of water, the water level will actually go down slightly (about 2%).
This happens due to solvent molecules becoming more ordered in the presence of the dissolved salt, which reduces the space the solution takes up.
4. Earth is not a perfect sphere.
The poles are slightly flattened out, and the equator bulges due to the planet’s rotation.
5. Although clouds look light and fluffy, they can weigh over one million pounds.

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