The Secret Language of Organised Paedophiles

1 year ago

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With all this talk about BBC presenter scandals and high-profile child grooming cases that sweep peoples attention in an instant, perhaps I shall continue my main mission and say “Hey people, don’t forget what’s happening on ground level.”

I think it’s an important thing to state, and perhaps our biggest failing as a society is that we often become spellbound by the high-profile glitz of such a story, yet often forgetting that much of it all is interlinked and for every young person tragically being abused by a high-profile celebrity, many more thousands are being abused by people who are hiding in plain sight, often protected by influential and powerful people.

Let’s not forget, Westminster isn’t just an area in central London, but is a hub for such powerful and influential people that are spread out all across the country. It’s important to remember that when we hear words such as ‘VIP paedophile ring’ and the like, because I think it’s too easy to forget that despite abuse towards children being done or allowed by those people in such influential positions that it’s often happening in places a lot less glitzy and glamourous than words such as ‘VIP paedophile ring’ give it credit for.

Sadly, it seems that much of the abuse that happens in places such as children’s homes or towards disadvantaged young people rarely never gets heard and noticed when it should. Few want to believe that largely despite people’s claims to be against child abuse that largely almost nobody really cares about such children and young people. They all say they do, but when these things are put into practice, they really don’t.

Anyhow, I’m going off topic with this one.

But one thing I don’t hear people talking about much is how paedophiles communicate with each other. How does one paedophile express his desires to another paedophile without raising alarm bells to people.

Well, I’ll tell you one thing that happens at least, and that is through the method of micro-expressions. People really need to watch out for this one because it could save lives and futures in the long run if people are on the ball with it.

Paedophiles will cunningly run you through a micro-expression to test to see if you are ‘in the club’ so to speak and a way in which some of you do this is by throwing out something to knock you off your perch. For example…..

You could have never suspected this person ever to be a paedophile, you could of even respected them highly, but one day you are sitting there with this person having a conversation about something completely non-sexual related and then all of a sudden, WHAM! they throw something out of a sexual nature that totally spins you out for a second.

A lot of people on instance will have a confused expression about them. ‘Ay up’ you might think, ‘where the heck did that come from.’

You could even spend a while either there in the moment or afterwards contemplating why on earth when you were talking about something completely non-sexual did this person start talking about strange sexual events. They could use being aware of sexual addictions or even bring up the subject of child abuse completely randomly and out of nowhere.

It’s important to note that not everyone that might seem obsessed with the issue of child abuse is a wrong un. I myself have had to offload to people many-a-time and once you’ve been made truly aware of the workings of such worlds there’s really no going back. But understanding the the language between the lines that paedophiles use to identify each other in the offline world is something I wish more people had spoken about.

With no disrespect intended whatsoever to the LGBT community, this method of ‘sussing someone out’ could be said to be akin to that of your garden variety ‘closet gay’. Ya know, the type that seems overly-repulsed and goes around angrily starting a war with anyone that is gay. I think two situations could be happening in that instance, either a deeply repressed sexuality is at play here or they are figuring out if someone is gay or not. We all know this happens, right?

But I think in regards to paedophiles, with many of them being master manipulators there is plenty of time to read your facial expressions in such a situation. Your reaction to such stunning statements could indeed depend on what the paedophile plans as their next chess move. Are you safe enough to keep around for them? Have you sussed they are a paedo or are you still completely oblivious? Should they find a way to remove you from the situation or made sure that you are kept busy?

These things are happening, and if people are genuine about tackling child abuse and stopping paedophilia, then these are the sorts of things that people should be learning about way before they’ve become self-proclaimed experts of child abuse after studying stories such as Philip Schofield, Jimmy Saville, Jeffrey Epstein and the like!


Quick statement to say PLEASE GET BEHIND ME FOLKS.

Bizarrely it’s taken me five years to not even get 100 YouTube subscribers and I’d really love for my work and efforts to be seen by just a few more people and make the risks I take to write posts like these worth it!
I feel completely shadow-banned from society, please help!

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