E9.2 - Velocity Addition Done Right! Ask Us Whatever

1 year ago

As we showed in Episode 9.1, the textbook formula for relativistic velocity addition is straight forward. However, its dependence on length contraction and Einstein clock synchronization cause the formula to be observer dependent. The multiple constraints imposed by observers located in more than two reference frames quickly makes the velocity addition formula and the underlying special theory of relativity unworkable.

Joe Sorge brings reality back to velocity addition by using a preferred reference frame. Watch as Joe derives the Alternative Model velocity addition formula based on velocities with respect to such a preferred reference frame. In this episode, groundwork is put in place to generalize the velocity addition formula so that relative velocities can be computed between multiple objects in multiple reference frames. More on this will be revealed in a future episode.

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View this video with transcript on our website https://askuswhatever.com.

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