Terrorists are Fundamentalist Muslims

1 year ago

When is alarmist do you Hardees and fundamentalist militants run around in Africa and Europe and Syria murdering people they don’t like, Kidnapping women for sex slaves and selling slaves, and doing all the other obnoxious behaviors of Islam, they are precisely, accurately, and exactly following what Mohammed and the Koran and the hadith teach.

You are never going to fool Muslims and various Arabic speakers about what the Koran says. Because they can read the Koran. There’s no point in trying to convince them that they are wrong about their own religion. That kind of reasoning rarely works on any religious person, let alone someone who is a member of a cult like Islam.

The only thing that you can do effectively is to nip it in the bud and inoculate the rest of the population against this bad idea, instead of trying to idealized a bad idea and try to make militant jihad cult members believe that you’re nice he nice he version of their religion is right and that their version of the religion is wrong.

From an objective intellectual standpoint and just common sense that any person can read the Koran, and Hadith (the biographies of Mohamed’s life and words) It is very clear from historical standpoint that Mohammed did, in fact, live very similarly to the members of hummus and Isis and the Taliban, and that the aggressive interpretation of the Quran is the accurate interpretation. This Means that Islam really is a cult, and it really is a violent, obnoxious, terroristic, destructive, and dangerous ideology that spreads like a yeast infection to young men and young women around the world. This also means that it is a genuinely evil thing and a force of bad in the world which should be exposed and solidly condemned in the public square as such.

It’s not possible to convince cultists, usually, that they’re cold is wrong. It is possible to educate the rest of the world about the dangers and problems of this cult.

The Quran is not written in chronological order Like historical book or like a novel which begins at chapter 1 and finishes at the last chapter. instead all the chapters of the Caraun are scrambled up completely because they are placed in the cover of the Quran based on size from largest to smallest. However, if you read the Caraun in chronological order you can see but it is a book of evolution. You can see that there is an evolution in the mind, opinions, and thought process of the man Mohammed as he goes through his life and becomes increasingly angry, vengeful, embittered, and eventually violent. there are clear and obvious contradictions in the Quran which are acknowledged by Muslim theologians, but this problem is resolved through the process of abrogation. That means that chapters which are later chronologically overrule the ones which came before or first. That means if Mohammed preached kindness and tolerance in chapter 2, but later on in his life wrote chapter 19 with anger and hate and violence, then that is the chapter which is more authoritative and that is what Muslims are supposed to follow. Unlike the Bible which takes difficult statements and demands a nuanced and deep answer to reconcile them, the Koran simply acknowledge is that there was a change of opinion, blames it on the flighty and capricious nature of Allah, which is really the capricious and flighty nature of Mohammed, and simply instructs Muslims to take their theological advice from the end of the book chronologically, not the beginning. That which came later is that which is supposed to be believed in Islam.

Understanding this chronology can be difficult for outsiders who don’t know where to begin or how to go about reading the Koran chronologically. Most people don’t know that they should try to do that if they want to figure out what’s really going on. As a result Islam and the Caraun is an occult religion because only certain people really understand it. Most Muslims do not even Speak and understand Arabic on an intellectual level. The majority of Muslims worldwide only understand Arabic phonetically so that they can read the letters and pronounce vowels and consonants properly, in order to make a recitations of magic words. This would be similar to Christians in the middle ages reciting Latin Bible verses even though they do not understand what the Bible verses mean. There will always be those who do understand Arabic or Latin who would benefit, but the majority of people would not understand. That is the situation today with Islam because the majority of Muslims worldwide do not understand Arabic as an intellectual language they can communicate with, they only read the Caraun for the sake of making “the holy noises.” according to Mohammed and “allah” this is considered to be good enough. As a result what most Muslims understand about their own faith comes from folk tradition, which is known as folk Islam, and from what their Imam or “pastor” teaches them. Many Muslims are quite ignorant of what the Caraun actually teachers except for what their mom tells them, but very mom is generally do understand Arabic and so they are affected by the dangerous violent terroristic ideology of the Koran and either Go along with it in some capacity or refuse to go along with it and deliberately try to spread peace, in defiance against the words of the garage. This is based on their own conscience which tells them that the words they saw in the Koran were wrong.

This explains why many people can read the Caraun and find lots of friendly Sounding verses, and they conclude that Islam must be a religion of peace and that the violent versus should be minimized. Because they are thinking about the Bible and most other religions which try to create a unifying he’s a theology. Islam does not have or desire a unifying cohesive theology. Islam fully acknowledges that their “god” “allah” Is capricious, arbitrary, flighty, distance, and can change his mind and his statements and his doctrine theology at any time on his own Authority, simply because he wants to do it and for no other reason. “Allah” (really cult leader mohamed) can say that murder is legal today and make it illegal tomorrow, and then make it legal again the next day if he wanted to. That is the mindset of Islam in theology. This is why the passages of the Koran which were written towards the end of Mohammed’s life abrogate or replace or overrule the ones that were written towards the beginning of his life. Towards the end of his life Mohammed became increasingly angry, bitter, vitriolic, and murderous as he became a caravan robber and warlord, rapist, and slave trader.

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