Swift Move to Love Energy Vlog

1 year ago

Swift Move to Love Energy Vlog title is from the date and the Schjumann amplitude power of 42 or #6 The lovers card. The date being July 11, 2023, adding 14 the temrpance card to 11 the justice card we get 25 or #78 The Chariot card calling you to take chage and direct your chariot down the path you want to taike.
The Schumann Resonance today Disclosure site showed us two amplitudes. the first was a power of 15 at 11:45 AM UTC. Thus we have Justice being meted out to the Devil. We certainly hope so. The second amplitude was a power of 42 at 5:00Pm UTC. Ths we have the Hierophant bringing the Lovers into wedded bliss or divine union. The quality was at. a power of 6.20 thus we have the Strength card asking us to be strong and brave. The Frequency average was 7.80 hertz, thus we have #15 The Devil card leading us astray into addiction and obsession or baser proclivities. All together we have The Chariot swiftly moving the lovers to the strong and brave stand against the Devil in the Deep state. counteracting The banal evil ones that are trying to shut down the Sound of Freedom movie that came out on the 4th of July. Note the ones who dis this movie they're most likely pedo-voures or pedorapists.

The Space Weather Site Showed us a Class M CME that is fortunately shooting off well away from us here on earth. The Solar wind density was at 8 protons per whatever. the solar wind speed is 345 (KPS), the temperature was at 25,000 Kelvin bloody hot I would say. The KP index of geomagnetic activity is in the green zone starting at an average of 1.75 the Death card rose as high as 2.66 , the Temperance card then ending at an average of 1.33m the chariot as we began the day.
T We ended with the Sacred spirit card #27 Meditation Improvement through persistence or practice makes perfect. that number is nine the hermit a message to go within to find inner wisdom.
SChumann Resonance Today Disclosure site:
Space Weather News site:

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