Excited Poodle Puppy Can't Stop Dancing

9 years ago

This video shows several dogs looking out through a fence in the excitement of being picked up from doggy daycare. There is only one dog that "differs" from the crowd and is most excited to be picked up.

This poodle certainly has the talent for dancing. She puts so much effort into "impressing" her owner and begging with her little paws to be picked up. She has quite the charm and positive energy which will surely make your day.

Nutella, the poodle puppy just loves to dance! This is how she shows off her best moves at her doggy daycare in Brisbane, Morningside, Australia. It is so adorable, makes you want to sign her up for a talent show!

Nutella just can't stop dancing and she is overly excited to be picked up from the doggy daycare. She stands on her back feet and dances with her paws raised up in the air.

She jumps up and down crying for attention which makes it look like she is dancing. She continuously shows off her best moves and will make you want to take her home with you.

All the other dogs around here don't seem to be bothered by her moves and stare with disbelief. This sweet little puppy will put you in a great mood.

This is the reason dog people love puppies. Nutella the poodle puppy can't quit moving after getting energized while at a doggy childcare in Brisbane. In the video, she jumps up and down vying for attention which makes it look like she is dancing. She really got the moves!

There are countless videos on the Internet with amazing and funny dogs getting excited about their owners picking them up for doggy daycare, but this one is the best so far! This cherishing and clever poodle truly can't contain its energy after detecting mother's presence after a prolonged day of being separated from her.

In the event that anything is an expression of hotly anticipated excitement after observing somebody you've missed, it's this video appropriate here. At the point when the mom really appears to take the poodle home, it can't quit jumping here and there.

And after that, the bouncing stops...and back to moving once more. Just far excessively energized. Excessively adorable! Enjoy this adorable video with Nutella, the little teacup poodle, do a little “can’t wait to go home with my humans” cha cha and soak up some of her good vibes!

We think that poodles as a breed are so underrated! Poodles are one of the sharpest and most trainable of all breeds. This smart breed can't just sit on the terrace and be ignored.

Did you know that the name “poodle” comes from the German word “pudel”, describing water activity or one who plays in the water and they are considered to be the oldest breed and it’s believed they originated from Germany. The dog was used in water retrieval, so the coat was trimmed to help them swim. Oh, we understand the name now!

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