Quick Trick To Peel A Hard-Boiled Egg In Few Seconds

9 years ago

Sometimes peeling a hard-boiled egg can be a bit annoying. The shell gets stuck and breaks up into little pieces that have to be picked off separately. Luckily, this video shows a trick that will have your hard-boiled egg peeled in less than 5 seconds!

We all know that it can be really annoying when you have to spend time peeling a boiled egg, because most of the time only little pieces of the shell come off one by one and it is a time-consuming process. Well, this video presents a neat trick which will help you to avoid all that and have your egg ready in just few moments!

Peeling a boiled egg isn't as annoying as you think when you know this nifty cool trick. All you need is a glass, an inch of water, and a boiled egg! With this trick, you can peel your egg in only seconds!!

All you have to do is place your boiled egg in the glass, place an inch of water and shake the glass with the egg for a few seconds. Covering the glass with your hand is a good idea so that it doesn’t fall off the glass, and we don't want the egg to go flying!

After shaking the egg in the glass, pour the remaining water from the glass out and check on your egg. By now, the shell should be very loose and should come off very easily when you touch it. Voila, this trick saved you some time and nerves and you have an egg that barely took anytime to peel. Hooray! Try this out yourself and let us know how it goes!

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