The corpus callosum is the activating BRIDGE

1 year ago

When I speak of the Teachers of Light I speak to those who are already connected to the energy of the fifth sun. They are in the placement of the knowledge of the truth and set free from the physical world of the third dimension. The confusion that so many souls feel now is the unwillingness to release themselves from the hold of themateral world. This is natural for it provides security and is your home yet the home is being moved and so you must seek to know something more.

The teachers o flight speak of the new world and the new age of the fifth sun so that you may begin to realize that there is something different that there is a change whereupon you are different and that you are not in the same way as before.

--- specifically your body has changed and it vibrates with a new intensity which is reposible fore the feeling that time is moving by faster and faster. These are words you have heard numerous times by others and so you think them to be insignificant yet you are always opeing up to new levels of understanding and this is natural for you to see past the world in which you are now existing in.

You have a question…

How is the mind integrated with the physical brain so to activate these new telepathic powers of communication. …

The corpus callosum is activated in the way that it provies a conduit between the two hemispheres and begins the process of allowing the holographic imaginngs and harmonic inflow of shared or parallel energies from the other layers or dimensions how ever you see fit to understand them. The function of the brin is not only quantum as you have discovered where within the subatomic world the neurons are activated by gravitons and their inherent magnetism but there is also the photonic interaction which allows for the holographic imaging and the multiplication of realities and so the ability to become multidimensional.

To explain more clearly the photonic brain functions are manifested holographically which means from a unity state or a full harmonic dimensional grouping where all 10 dimensions are accessed through the central strand as the single string which manifests consciousness is brought into alignment and activation. The corpus callosum is the activating BRIDGE which can also be understood in some ways as the rainbow brined so theat it brings the right and left hemispheres ito harmonic. It attunes them. The energetics of this is about bring the wholeness of the mind into consistencey.

The movement from the 4th dimensional grids which are the astral webs of illusions and manifestation and the emotional content within each manifestation are overcome or ruled so to speak by the higher power of the photos which are inherent to all matter subsequent to thie ability of phtos to be interweaving through time and space. JZust as all manifested particles are both negative and positive Photos are not. Photons are waes and particles and spin in a manner which is unitary and follow in each dimension the starand the strings as you may call them. The strings are made of photos and so this energetic is what is created when there is the focus of intelligence within wisdom. /./ That may sound cryptic. And so it is. What is meanet to be said there is that the phton is the basic building block of the universe and it that is why it is a constant. So when there is a disruption of energy it is thought of as without light as dark energy as a black hole. The wormholes that the black holes represent are physical phenomena. … There are things that which are unseen and are a mystery. So you are not always brought into full awareness of the realities of the universe.

Back to the brain function you must escape the notion of the your physical vehicle being anything more thatn a receptacle of higher light or higher energy photons. What is happening at this level is that the phtons have slowed down enough to be seen in stability or in 3d. In the 4d arenea there is a sense of timelessness yet it is dreamy and without concrete form or flow… there is much duality and polarization for there is little to know or be a part of as it is guided by emotional overflow from the 3d. In the fifth D it is particularly unified consciousness where in this state the photo spins at a rate where it does not have anything to adhere to it. It is of a higher vibration as is the proper vernacular.

To go on the points of interst in this is the central strand which extends from the stars into planetsand into bodfies. This is your method of soul connection… secondarily you have a physical system of atoms and molecules and genes etc whehich follow a similar pattern but are connected through the major energy systems of your boyd. In this capacity you have the ability to transmute and move in total harmony with theenergies of the higher bodies froma micro to a macro level.

The Game is played from two perspectives; from the perspective of the Black Alliance and the Family of Light.

The Black Alliance offers a solution for themselves from the perspective of evil which is brought about to separate in groups and create conflict.

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