TC creator review : dead bug says

1 year ago

I apologize. I actually thought I'd posted this over a week ago. I've been trying to get it to upload for hours on 4 platforms. If you want to see it in one 16 minute video, YouTube allowed it.
It looks like I'll have to cut it for Instagram & Rumble (both of whom usually allow longer videos), which I have ready bc of TikTok.

So, Dead bug says.

This week’s true crime creator review is Dead bug says. He's got our lowest score so far he's right where he wants to be. He's a brilliant filmmaker & really a wonderful story teller, but victims are inconsequential & words 90% of people who try to respective others would nrv use litter his scripts. He uses far more homophobic terms than all the black mask writers of the past combined. And they were active when such attitudes were socially acceptable.

45% on the rubric
Audio/Video -8/8
Research -16
Respect -1
Empathy -1
Intent -9 (clear, unapologetic)
Presence -10

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