July 2023 Great Replacement Update | VDARE Video Bulletin

11 months ago



This recent video by Fox News’ Bill Melugin shows a Border Patrol Agent cutting barbed wire fencing put up by the State of Texas to bring in illegal aliens!

This is far from the first time we’ve seen Border Patrol enabling the Great Replacement. Melugin posted this video back in August of 2022 showing agents opening a locked gate on private property to smuggle in illegals.



And again in May that year, illegals were recorded by the Fox News correspondent lining up to enter the United States through an unlocked gate.



But this latest video comes as Southwest Border Apprehensions are on an uptrend. Customs and Border Protection’s latest numbers show that 204,561 illegal aliens entered the U.S. in May, bringing the total number of illegal crossings in Fiscal Year 2023 to nearly 1.5 million. (1,468,709)

James Fulford writes for VDARE.com:

“That is somewhere between the population of San Diego, California (1.4 million) and San Antonio, Texas (1.5 million), just in the last Fiscal Year under Biden.”

And those numbers don’t include the droves of Central Americans Biden has allowed to enter the country using the CBP One App parole amnesty for eligible “asylum seekers.”


But the numbers do explain exactly why the current estimate of illegals living in the United States has grown to a shocking 17 million.

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