Protecting Yourself From Energetic Attacks

1 year ago

No more allowing dark energic beings to feed off of you! We are NOT victims. YOU are capable of stopping attacks.

1 What does an attack look like?
Its often very subtle...
- When you CAN NOT stop thinking (diarrhea brain)
- Thoughts that don't seem to be yours
- When you had 5 minutes but now you are late
- When you are on to something brilliant & you lose your thought
- When your neighbor starts being a giant pain out of nowhere
- When you are running late for a meeting & your internet won't connect
- When you KNOW where you put your car keys & they are NOT there.

These being's goal is to bring you down & feed off your low energy. They will get to you through stress, causing relationship issues, inserting thoughts, slowing down & speeding up time to mess with you. They can see your energetic signature. When they see a bright light, someone, or maybe a group, working on ascending, they see a target they are about to lose, & want to bring back down. IF YOU CAN SPOT IT YOU CAN STOP IT.

2 What can you do about it?
➡️Step 1: Get into a neutral & heart centered state. This is critical. These beings can infiltrate your mind. They can not infiltrate your heart. You can do this by taking a few deep breaths & saying "I command my Spirit to move my thoughts from my mind to my heart NOW" Say it 2-3 times OUT LOUD.
➡️Step 2: Remove whatever is negatively impacting you by saying "I command my Spirit to remove anything in me, or around me, which is not authentically from Source NOW" Say it OUT LOUD 3 times for impact. Change the words if these do not resonate. If you prefer God use that. Just keep it between you & God though w/out middlemen.

3 Proactive Protection
You can say the above words in the morning & night to insure anything that got "stuck to you" during the day, or while you slept, gets removed. Especially if you are having issues with bad dreams, stress, your brain won't turn off & is going towards negative thoughts, etc.

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