Life In A Bomb Shelter Of Donetsk

10 years ago

Date: October 7, 2014
Location: Petrovka, Donetsk, Ukraine
Length: 03:18
To survive, local residents of Donetsk were force to live in their basements as bomb shelters. And they live there to this day.
Teenager Nicolay found a shelter in a basement more then half a year ago together with is mother and little sister.
He shows us living conditions of his family and many other Donetsk citizen who use a basement for a bomb shelter now.

Shot list
Teenager Nicolay guides us to a shelter and shows multiply bedrooms with beds, children’s room, kitchen and even a cinema hall.

Teenager Nicolay shows Ekaterina a shelter
“Here is the light too”
“My family sleeps here”
“I want to come in to take a look”
“And here we eat”
“What do you eat?”
“We eat, what people are cook”
“Is here any kitchen, or everything located outside a basement?”
“We cook in the apartment at home”
“So you cook at home and bring food here, right?”
“Yes, if we have enough time”
“Is shelling here often?”
“Well yes. Yesterday we saw shelling start ourselves, and also today shelling was caused by our cell phone signal. Two times”
“And here lives very small kid?”
“Yes, here”
“And where is kid now, outside?”
“Yes, outside with mother. And here kids do handcrafted inlays. Very beautiful”
“Are you going to school?”
“And here grandmas sleep”
“Right. And the cat is here too”
“The cat is from other room. There are also other rooms. Here’s their kitchen. Here they drink tea. And there is last corridor and that’s it. And here’s the exit”
“Does this TV works?”
“No. Just DVD”
“Is here any bathroom?”
“Well, here’s actually no bathroom. People who’s apartments near go to apartments’ toilets and the rest…you know (means they jut use outside for toilets). Some people live quite far”
“Oh, I don’t know because I never lived in such conditions. And here’s no shower either?”
“No shower”
“And is here water?”
“Here’s no water. No bathroom, no shower, no water. Here are no such things. Just beds”
“How long do you live here?”
“Honest, I don’t remember”
“A month, two or three?”
“Oh no. More”
“Seriously? Since spring?”
“No. Since the beginning of July. Before this place started to get shelled I lived in other place. And after it started to get shelled, me, my mother and sister moved here”
“What’s your name?”

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