Cancer New Moon July 17 '23 Astrology, Affirmations, and Frequencies #highvibe #astrology #cancer

11 months ago
2 This Cancer New Moon involves an intense grand cross with Pluto and the Nodes of the Moon. The final flush of all ancient wounds and trauma related to expressing vulnerability, innocence, and emotional needs so that we can ultimately feel safe again. I’ve included the High Vibe Affirmations below.

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Timestamp for Affirmations and Harmonies 8:56

Sun/New Moon/Pluto for the opposition:
There is no greater power than the natural life force energy granted to me and every human soul by the Creator, and it’s highest expression is unconditional love.

Sun/New Moon/Chiron for the square:
I am committed to healing all childhood wounds that have thus far prevented me from expressing my highest purpose and destiny.

Sun/New Moon/Venus square to NN:
The Source of all life is guiding humanity to a peaceful and prosperous future that will respect and sustain all forms of life on this planet.

Sun/New Moon/Sedna square to SN (highest vibe):
The greatest rebirth of human civilization is unfolding right before our eyes, and it is a privilege to be alive at this time and do the individual inner work necessary to achieve rebirth in my own life.

Mercury/Jupiter square:
An expansion of consciousness is underway in my life and in the collective that will change forever how we see and experience life, and instill greater faith in the Source of that life.

Venus/Neptune/Pluto YOD:
Destiny is calling the entire human civilization towards a new way of seeing and being in the world that sustains peace and prosperity for all life.

Mars/Venus/Sedna square:
The archetype of the Great Mother is pouring out life-giving waters that restore balance to perceived opposites, reinvigorate hope, and regenerate life.

Mars/Saturn opposition:
The expression of divine masculine energy is finding its own renewal, rebirth, and freedom, by allowing information from the divine realm to inspire a new way of being in the world.

Uranus/Pluto trine:
A powerful awakening and transformation is now underway that will forever change the course of human civilization, bestowing greater prosperity on those who revere and respect all forms of life.

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