Street Advocates w/ Chris Dacey

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Welcome to the latest episode of #YYC: Street Advocates, featuring special guest Chris Dacey. A key member of Save Canada, Chris takes his message of freedom and resilience directly to the government, right from the streets. His journey from navigating through the political maze of Canada to finding faith at the Biker's Church, Chris's story is one of perseverance and growth.

Join us as we delve into his experiences participating in the Freedom Convoy and standing with Josh Alexander and the rest of the Save Canada team. Chris has become a cornerstone of the freedom movement, demonstrating what true dedication to a cause looks like.

In this episode, we also explore the value of street advocacy in Canada, a country gradually veering toward a socialist state. With grassroots activists like Chris, we get to witness the indispensable role they play in preserving democracy. It's a discussion of why his voice and those of others are vital to maintaining stability and keeping democratic values alive.

The fight for freedom is waged on multiple fronts, from the streets to the corridors of power. Chris Dacey is a testament to the strength of conviction and the power of one person to make a difference. Stay tuned to hear his compelling story.

#YYC #SaveCanada #FreedomConvoy #StreetAdvocacy #Democracy

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