DOES YOUR CHURCH SUPPORT BABY RAPE? FIND OUT HERE! - If Anyone Cared - Church of the Poison Mind

9 months ago

This information has been out for years and, in spite of the fact that the Pride Flag, particularly in its latest manifestation, represents the rape and slaughter of the Innocents, the Churches in Canada have the Sodomite / Marxist Flag plastered all over their walls. It is up to the Congregants who want to PROTECT AND SERVE their Communities of the Lord to inform one another and their leaders, who at this point should be fired and turned over to the authorities because they are either incompetent and clearly fraudulent Pastors of Christ, or they are criminals who will be tried to the full extent of the Nuremburg Code. Choose Wisely. Tepid of On Holy Ghost Fire? Step up Alphas. - 99

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