Adorable Large Newfoundland Demands A Belly Rub

9 years ago

Animals are amazing companions that have brightened up our lives. From the time that humans have been around, we have co-existed with animals, even using them as faithful companions that help with everyday tasks. We have formed a bond with them that lasted years and still proves to be there even today. However, did you know that animals could form bonds with even the unlikeliest of animal? That seems to be exactly the case in this compilation here!

What is it that puppies love most in life? They love their owners, their food bowl, the frequent walks in the park and the scratches behind their ears. When pups have these things, they are the happiest they can be. But when a treat is introduced to the mix, thing get too cute too soon!

No matter how big they grow up to be, puppies will always be puppies! Even if they grow up to be a 160 lbs bear like little ol' Sebastian here! Sebastian might be an adult, but he's still a baby in his heart. He loves when his human gives him nice, long belly rubs. But there's time for play and there's time for chores, so when theb human stops and tells him she's done, Sebastian throws a tantrum, just like a little baby! "Are you mad at me?" says the lady as he turns his back on her. "Don't be mad at me, I'm sorry" are the magical words that bring this lovable teddy bear back!

Looks like Sebastian believes he is the king of the house! Watch as he argues and pouts after his owner stops giving him a belly rub. His reaction at the end will bring a smile to your face!

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