Momento Malum Today Bonus 8 More GMO Thoughts and News

11 months ago

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Communications with
Dr William Deen
Dr David Hooker
Dr François Tardif
Dr Paul Luimes
Mr. Bill Litwin
Rajcan, I. (2022). Personal Communications.
Rajcan, I., & Wolyn, D. J. (2021a). Classical Selection Experiment. Guelph: University of Guelph.
Rajcan, I., & Wolyn, D. J. (2021b). Recurrent Selection Methods Recurrent Selection – cyclical selection in a breeding population to improve the frequencies of desirable alleles for a character . Base Population ( many choices ) One open-pollinated ( OP ) population Several OP populations S. Guelph: uni.
Messeguer, J. (2003). Gene flow assessment in transgenic plants. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 73(3), 201–212.

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