Adorable cats attempt to eat invisible tuna

9 years ago

Every night these adorable cats are treated to a delicacy of fine quality tuna. However, on this night their owners decided to offer a bit of 'Pavlov's Invisible Tuna', named after Ivan Pavlov's classical conditioning concept. According to user 'jordanrandomness', "Yes, it may seem a little mean to trick them, but their reactions are priceless. After a good laugh, they all had a feast fit for a king!"

Every pet owner has done something of this nature to their pets before. It's amusing the first few times, then the little guys begin to catch on. That's when you eventually cave in, which you need to do obviously. Everyone does it, from faking a dog out while playing fetch, to putting out "invisible" plates of tuna.

Our pets become part of the family eventually, so inevitably you treat them like family. You would pull a few pranks on a loved one, having some fun with your pet is no different if no one is hurt in the end.

Check out these cats trying to eat invisible tuna!

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