Little Girl Has Priceless Reaction After Trying Pop Rocks Candy

10 years ago

It is one of the greatest honors in the world to witness the moment when tiny versions of you and your partner experience the world around them, but it’s an even greater honor to share it with the world. There is just so much joy and happiness in their actions and it’s highly contagious. Their eagerness is unrivaled and their dedication puts us all in shame. They don’t take no for an answer and they never quit. If you don’t believe us, just take a look at this footage of the most courageous little girl ever.

5-year-old Emma had never tried Pop Rocks before, so her parents obviously had to film her trying them for the first time! Now that's so adorable. Emma puts all of her trust in her parents, knowing that they could never do her any bad or even lead her to do anything bad. However, we’re very sure that she wasn’t expecting the outcome.

Her father put a tiny amount of the rock candy in the palm of her hand, instructing her to put it all in her mouth all at once. Emma didn’t hesitate to do so, much to the delight of her parents. At first she wasn’t particularly impressed with the sweet candy, but she soon found out that these rocks were magic and she just couldn't stop licking her hands, trying to catch each and every last morsel of candy. Absolutely precious!

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