Biography of Hazrat Hassan AS | سیرت حضرت حسن بن علی رضی اللہ عنہ | ISLAMIC HISTORY

1 year ago

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Asslamoalaikum, اسلام علیکم to everybody, our channel is for about ISLAMIC HISTORY and in this video we will explain you about.Biography of Hazrat Imam Hasan Ibn e Ali
It is reported in a Hadith that once the beloved Prophet was carrying a child and he was saying “O Allah I love him, so you love him too” You must have come to know that “the child was both beloved of Allah and the beloved of His beloved Prophet Muhammad And now you must be thinking “who was that fortunate child?”

So my dear Islamic brothers! He was none other than the grandson of the Beloved Prophet Hazrat Imam Hasan ibn e Ali In the following lines we will learn about his biography very briefly and will also be blessed to read some of his excellences.
Imam Hasan Birth:

Imam Hasan was born in the 3rd year after Hijrah in Madina. Hazrat Ali and Fatimahare his parents while the noblest of all the Prophets the beloved Mustafa and Hazrat Khadijaare his maternal grandparents. On the seventh day of his birth his aqeeqah was performed and two lambs were sacrificed. His head was shaved and then the beloved Rasool commanded that the weight of his shaved hair in silver should be given in charity.
The Excellence of Their Name:

The grandsons of the beloved Prophet were unique in many regards even their names were unique which came from Paradise and were never heard before in Arabian society. It is mentioned in one of the narrations:
“This name (Hasan) was not known at all in the pagan times (Jahiliyya).”
Another Narrartion Says:
“Hasan and Husayn are two names from paradise; none of the Arabs knew of these names before in the pre-Islamic days i.e. Jahiliyyah.”
Resemblance to Beloved Mustafa
Many companions have reported his resemblance to the beloved Prophet He was like his Beloved grandfather more than anyone else in his time. Imam Bukhari narrates from Hazrat Anas
“No one resembled the Prophet more than Hasan ibne Ali Excellence:

It is reported that when Imam Hasan passed away, Marwan sobbed at his funeral. Imam Husayn said: ‘Now, you cry? Weren’t you impudent when he was alive?’ Marw?n replied: ‘I used to do all that I did, to a man who was more forbearing than this’ and he pointed towards the mountain.

May Almighty Allah makes us steadfast on faith and grants us His love and love of His beloveds! Ameen.
#hazrat hassan
#youmewiladathazrat imamhassan

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