Lair of the Dragon - Ending the Abuse

11 months ago

"If My people, which are called by My name, shall humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land."

- 2 Chronicles 7:14

Mel Gibson has been vocal about the strange activities that go on in the entertainment industry. The host of this video mentioned Gibson's interview, where he speaks candidly about the darkness that exists.

That interview was done back on August 25, 1998. Since then there have been other celebrities that have come forward and exposed this hidden evil.

The mouthpieces for the industry paints all these whistleblowers as liars or washed up celebrities trying to boost their notary. The problem with that fabrication; those that have, have always destroyed their careers in the industry and the media makes them into those with mental problems.

Whistleblowing in any industry, has always turned out to be career ending; this is despite the fact there are laws that are supposed to protect anyone doing so. If this was the motivation, where are all the others who are in the entertainment industry and have less morals to do such activities?

Going against those that run the business, has never gone well for anyone. Mel Gibson is no exception to this treatment. His fall from the mainstream occurred when he directed, produced, co-wrote and even funded the film The Passion of the Christ.

As the host in this video says, we need to protect Mel Gibson. His need for protection goes beyond merely the evil of the people in power but also the evil in spiritual realms.

As stated in the description section of the video linked above; our existence is complicated. There's more that goes on then meets the eye.

With Gibson exposing this dark world; his reputation and career has already been damaged. His new movie, Sound of Freedom

Is an on going testament to him being a torch bearer. A man who has the integrity of shinning a light and exposing the darkness. One of the most disgusting elements to this; is how the various elements in the media are downplaying and even defending the sick business that exists.

The reason for such vilification, there's is a movement to try to normalize pedophilia. It seems unbelievable that those who are in control of mainstream culture would to make child molestation acceptable but this is what happens when you allow secular humanist dictate morality.

When you have people who believe that morality is relative; child molestation; having an ends justify the means mentality to get whatever they shouldn't be surprising that pedophilia is classified as Minor Attracted Persons (MAPS). This way it destigmatizes the degenerate behavior and makes it just another aspect of human sexuality.

It's shocking but simply look at secular media and the various institutions they are in control of. As you do, one thing becomes apparent: they aren't your friends. They do not care about you, your family or your friends. The only thing that these people are interested in is money and power.

The video below shows the corruption in the educational system.

This same wickedness is clearly seen in the entertainment industry. The lying and manipulation of their ever changing ethics is obvious. Is it realistic that the "news" provided by an ungodly system will give you fair and balanced information?

Even if you disagree, I'm not asking that you would sign up as Mel Gibson's personal body guard. What I ask is that you would take a small amount of time, each day, to pray for Mel Gibson.

Pray that God would protect Mel Gibson physically and spiritually. That he would be following God's leading and that he would be blessed. That wouldn't take no more than two minutes out of your day.

I'd also ask that you would pray for his new movie, Sound of Freedom. That it would be successful and that it would be seen around the world. More importantly that child sexual abuse will come to an end.

Please consider sending this video to everyone you know. Besides asking them to watch it, ask them to read the description section and to forward this to everyone they know.

There is power in prayer. The more people that pray for Mel Gibson and also for the can a miracle not happen? Together, we can wreck Hollywood!

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