Jacob Illuminati Rothschild

1 year ago

Jacob Rothschild
Illuminati-Jacob Rothschild 4/29/1936. Separation of 9/11. 11/28.
Grand Druid Council. Born 120th day. Illuminati. Born on Wednesday.
Illuminati found on Wednesday.

Jesuit Order 9/27/1540-Jacob Rothschild 4/29/1936. 4747 months.
Freemason Compass 47 degrees. 246 days left when born.
Freemasonry 24th day of 6th month.

NASDAQ 4/5/1790-Jacob Rothschild 4/29/1936. Freemasonry 624.

7/31/1599-1st Masonic Lodge-Jacob Rothschild 4/29/1936.
Separation of 6666 and 122 in days. Illuminati.

1st Masonic Lodge in America 7/30/1733-Jacob Rothschild 4/29/1936.
Separation of 74 in days. Lucifer. 777 in hours.

Council on Foreign Relations 7/14/1921-Jacob Rothschild 4/29/1936.
Separation of 777.

Skull and Bones-Jacob Rothschild 4/29/1936.
1246 months. Born with 246 days left in year. Freemasonry.

4291936/999= Skull and Bones X2.

Jacob Rothschild 4/29/1936-Lyndon B. Johnson Death 1/22/1973. 322 hours.

Jacob Rothschild 4/29/1936-Vanguard 5/1/1975.
Separation of 246 in days. Born with 246 days left in year. Freemasonry.

Jacob Rothschild 4/29/1936-Blackrock 1/1/1988. 51 years. Illuminati. Baphomet/Lucifer in days old.

9/11 Pattern
Jacob Rothschild 4/29/1936-Ronald Regan Death 6/5/2004. 911 in seconds.

Jacob Rothschild 4/29/1936-Trump. 9/11. 9/11. 121 months. Antichrist.
120 in minutes. Born on 120th day. Illuminati.

Metric System 4/13/1668-Jacob Rothschild 4/29/1936. 3216 months.
Born on 3rd day of week. First 911 Call.

End of WW1 11/11/1918-Jacob Rothschild 4/29/1936. 911 weeks.

Jacob Rothschild 4/29/1936-First 911 Call. Separation of 9/11.


Jacob Rothschild 4/29/1936-MK Ultra 4/13/1953.
Separation of 15 days between 11 months. Light of Lucifer 9/11.

Jacob Rothschild 4/29/1936-End WW2 9/2/1945. 9/11.
Berkshire England population reads as 9/11

Freemason/Illuminati Pattern Pt 2.

Jacob Rothschild 4/29/1936-C of Satan 4/30/1966.
Separation of 120 in seconds. Illuminati. Born 120th day of year.
1753 weeks. Freemasonry. Born 3rd day of week.

Jacob Rothschild 4/29/1936-WW2 9/1/1939. 122 in days. Illuminati.
1Lucifer in weeks. 175 in minutes. Freemasonry.

Jacob Rothschild 4/29/1936-George Bush Jr. 7/6/1946. 122 months. Illuminati.

Jacob Rothschild 4/29/1936-Eisenhower Death 3/28/1969.
Separation of illuminati. 1717 weeks. Freemasonry found in 1717.

Jacob Rothschild 4/29/1936-John F. Kennedy Death 11/22/1963. 624.

Jacob Rothschild 4/29/1936-Herbert Hoover Death 10/20/1964. 624.

666 Pattern
Jacob Rothschild 4/29/1936-George Bush Senior Death 11/30/2018. 666

Jacob Rothschild 4/29/1936-Joe Biden 11/20/1942. 666

Queen Elizabeth 4/21/1926-Jacob Rothschild 4/29/1936. 120 months.
Born on 120th day of year. Illuminati.

Jacob Rothschild 4/29/1936-Club of Rome 4/7/1968. 666 in days. 9/11.

4291936/639= 666. 4291936/444= 666. 4291936/333= 666. 4291936/111= 666

Jacob Rothschild 4/29/1936-Illuminati HQ 2/28/1995. 666 in seconds.

Jacob Rothschild 4/29/1936-Bilderberg Group 2nd day and 3rd respectively. 666

Jacob Rothschild 4/29/1936-Satanic Bible 12/1/1969.
122 in days. Illuminati. 666 in minutes.

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