‎Bill Gates and Steve Jobs‎

10 months ago

‎By the middle of the 20th century, the computer was a very expensive, weak, and gigantic device weighing two tons, located only in university research centers and out of the reach of the general public. ‎
‎ In the 1980s, Bill Gates and Steve Jobs were two major figures who were at the heart of fierce competition in the computer world. ‎
‎ The show will tell the thrilling story of the race for the first personal computer, a competition in which Steve Jobs' ego and ego played a decisive role. ‎
‎ The program is about American scientists and inventors, legendary heroes and celebrities who have changed the world with their innovations.‎
‎The program reveals to viewers the fateful forces that have driven the competition for innovation and inventions of scientists. ‎
‎ A decisive and epic competition that has brought us the most brilliant human innovations.‎

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