Going Solar in Going Solar in Allison Park, PA

11 months ago

When Brian G. from Allison Park, PA was looking for a reliable and cost effective solar solution for his home, he chose Green Home Systems. With their competitive pricing and excellent customer service, Brian knew he could trust them to help him reduce his electricity bill and increase his property value.

Green Home Systems was more than up to the challenge of providing Brian with an off grid system with battery backup. The project took a couple of weeks and included a 7.04 kW system with SolarEdge inverter technology.

Brian was happy to know that Green Home Systems could help him save money on his electricity bill as well as provide environmental benefits by reducing emissions from fossil fuels. He was also pleased to learn about various utility company incentives that would reduce the cost of going solar even more. He knew he had made the right choice when Green Home Systems provided performance and durability guarantees on their products and services.

When it came time for installation, our team of experienced technicians worked quickly and efficiently to ensure that everything went smoothly. We even provided additional support for any questions or concerns that Brian may have had throughout the process.

The result was an efficient solar panel system that was customized to meet all of Brian’s needs while adhering to strict safety standards. He now has an increased property value and peace of mind knowing that his energy bills will be lower than ever before thanks to the solar system installed by Green Home Systems in Allison Park, PA.

At Green Home Systems we understand how important it is to provide our customers with reliable and cost effective solutions that can help them save money while also doing their part for the environment. We are proud to have been able to provide Brian with an excellent experience when installing his new solar system, and look forward to helping more customers in Allison Park, PA reduce their electricity bills and increase their property values through solar energy solutions.
Website: https://www.greenhomesystems.com
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