Every Second Of Alex Wagner's Fake News Show Was Obvious Democrat & Deep State Propaganda

11 months ago

Alex Wagner began her fake news show on July 7 saying. And this was the very first words she said:

Alex said: "This January 6 rioter, the one in the Q shirt at the front of the pack here. His name is Douglas Austin Jensen. He is now famous for chasing Capitol Police Officer Eugene Goodman up the stairs. She showed video of Jensen, who is white, running up the stairs behind the black cop. There was a fake news photographer with a big camera taking photos at the bottom of the steps. And their was another fake news reporter with a video camera at the top of the stairs.

It didn't look like Jensen was chasing the cop as much as he was running up the stairs behind him. He looked unsure of what was going on. And the cop looked like he acting. Because the cop stopped running up the first set of stairs and turned around with police baton. He waved it barely at all. Everyone stopped. He could have taken control of the situation right there, but instead he ran up the next flight of stairs towards the video camera.

I am not defending this white supposed January 6 protester because he sounds like an IDIOT. But this looks like a set up.

Let's watch


Did you see all that?! Because it looked like a set up to me. Did you see and hear Jensen touch the capitol building and say: This is me touching the White House. Then someone yelled:  Storm the White House! And that is what we do!....... But it looked staged and set up to me. Donald Trump has had hundreds if not thousands of rallies and protest, and no one  has ever chased cops  or broke in buildings. That is what democrat protesters do!

Wagner's point of showing these videos was to blame Trump for it.

Alex later said the Jan 6 rioters were planning the insurrection. And showed a Facebook message from a a woman's whose name on Facebook was Debroh Sandvol, then under her name and tiny photo it said: Capitol Rioter from Des Moines, Iowa in Facebook message.

Her supposed December 21, 2020 Facebook message said:

Hey, we're going back to Washington January 6. Trump has called all patriots. If the electors don't elect, we will be forced into civil war..........

Then Alex showed another supposed Facebook message on the screen of a Florida Oath Keeper leader named Kelly Meggs. Who is a man. It said on the screen that he wrote:  We are thinking that this is the plan: he wants us to get shit kicked off...But of course MSNBC blacked out the HIT in shit because they can't say shit on the fake news.

Then under the Oath Keepers leader's Facebook message that I just read to you, it said in another FB message from the Oathkeepers leader:

It said:  Trump said: It's gonna be wild with 7 exclamation points after it. Then he wrote again: Trump said it's gonna be wild with another 7 exclamation points after it.

He wants us to make it WILD...... WILD was in all capitol letters.

That's what he's saying. He called US all to the Capitol and wants to make it wild with three more exclamation points. Then his supposed Facebook message said: Sir, Yes Sir, with 3 more exclamation points after that.  Gentlemen we are heading to DC so pack you shit which was blacked out again.

Next, Alex showed and read a tweet from President Trump that said: Peter Navarro releases a 36-page report alleging election fraud more than sufficient to swing victory to Trump with a link to an article. Trump's tweet continued. A great report by Peter. Statistically impossible to have lost the 2020 election. Big protest in DC on January 6. Be there, will be wild!

That tweet was written on December 19, 2020 at 1:42 am.

Alex said, Now that middle of the night tweet, it does not seem to have come out of thin air. On the screen behind her it showed Trump from behind waving and it said: All the Ex-President's Men. Then she showed Jack Smith.

Under Jack Smith on the screen, in quotes and all capitol letters it said; "Will Be Wild." Then it said, Special Counsel Focusing On December 18, 2020 Meetings Between White House Lawyers And Election Deniers.

Alex said, we are seeing more and more
reporting that Special Counsel Jack Smith is now zeroing in on a White House meeting that ended just after midnight that very night just over an hour before Trump sent that Will Be Wild tweet. She said, you might remember this meeting because of the headlines about how the arguments during that meeting got so heated that they nearly ended in a fist fight. She said, that is not typically what happens in White House meetings, at least as far as I know.

Then the fake news host Alex Wagner showed photos of Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell, and Michael Flynn on the screen and slandered them. The photo she chose of Rudy was awful looking.  His face was all scrunched up and he was scowling. Then Wagner said: they all tried to use bogus fraud claims to convince Trump to adopt one drastic plan of action or another. Wagner said Trump's White House legal team fought back debunking those fraud claims and reportedly physically threatening to actually fight over them.

The NBC headline read: Trump draft executive order would have authorized National Guard to seize voting machines. And then another headline from Axios read: Bonus Episode: Inside the craziest meeting of the Trump presidency.

Alex said, Trump got a national security adviser on speaker phone and said: Should we use Marshall Law to overturn election........ I had trouble understanding her last few words because she mumbled them.

Fake news host, Alex Wagner then mentioned Sidney Powell's plan. Everyone on MSDNC is trying to make Powell look crazy. Jonathon Lemire called her a crackhead on his fake news show a few days ago.

Then she read text messages between Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham.... like this is proof.

Tucker wrote: Sidney Powell is lying by the way. I caught her. It's insane. Then Laura Ingraham wrote back: Sidney is a complete nut. No one will work with her. Ditto with Rudy.

Then Wagner got quiet, and a very serious look on her face, and said: That is what Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham thought of Sidney Powell a month before this White House meeting. But Trump actually considered making Sidney Powell a special counsel. Then she talked about a book by Bob Woodward and Robert Costa. And how it said. Trump called Meadows on speakerphone and said: Make Powell a special counsel. Mark, you get her the forms to onboard her.

Then Alex, the fake news host said: the meeting moved room to room throughout the White House with people arguing and yelling at each other until past midnight. Alex continued, we don't know how or exactly why but right after all of those wild gonzo ideas fell apart. just about an hour after the end of that meeting, Trump seems to have settled on something. She showed and read the Trump tweet again that ended in "Big protest in DC on January 6th. Be there, will be wild."

Then deep state and democrat propagandist, Alex Wagner, showed people on January 6 running up the stairs at the Capitol. And the screen read: in all caps and in quotes "Will BE WILD" TRUMP TWEETED "BE THERE, WILL BE WILD!" AFTER HEATED OVAL OFFICE MEETING. She showed people breaking a window.

I saw people in the crowd breaking the window with MAGA hats on, glasses, and masks that covered their entire face. That is not how republicans protest. Masks outdoors!!! We don't do that.

She said Republicans across the country still think that what Mike Pence did NOT do that day was wrong. That is was a grevious error. That they believe must be corrected. Then she showed Mike Pence responding to the woman who called him out over certifying the election. Pence said: I knows by God's grace, I did exactly what the Constitution of the United States required of me that day. He said, Don't take my word for it. Go read the Constitution. He said the Constitution affords no authority for the vice president or anyone else to reject votes or return votes to the states. I'm sorry ma'am but that's actually what the constitution says.

Pence continued: NO vice president in American history ever asserted the authority that you have been convinced that I had. President Trump is wrong about my authority that day, and he's still wrong. I believe it with all my heart.

Then she brought on two fake news female legal analysts who said exactly what she wanted. One of these women called Powell, Flynn and Byrne ..Team Crazy, but she called Trump's deep state White House legal team, Team Normal. She said they almost fist fought!

Wagner and her 2 fake news guests all tried to make Sidney Powell look crazy and that Trump knew what he was doing was fraudulent. Let's listen to this 3 minute and 38 second video. These two legal analysts are liars. I mean, lawyers.

Video 2

Did you hear all that?! Such obvious fake news.

The fake news legal analyst said: You have the grown ups in the room, who are saying There was NO election fraud. You lost every lawsuit you brought and this is completely bogus. And these plans from the 3 stooges, Mike Flynn, Sydney Powell and Patrick Burn. These plans are preposterous. You can't possibly declare Martial Law . You don't have the authority to have military come in and seize these voting machines. She continued: So when you have the grown ups saying this is what's going on, you then have Trump having knowledge and understanding what's going on.

Then she went back to Trump's tweet, and said this tweet is central to Trump's state of mind. What is Trump's intent here, these other plans didn't work. Then she said, Trump thought I still want to lie. I still want to cheat. And I still want to steal this election so how am I going to get there. Then she said, Trump thought, I am going to come up with a new plan. Let's fire up my base and enflame them and tell them still even though I know there is NO election fraud, tell them there is election fraud and to be there. And to stop the count. The fake news analyst said there is intent. There is motive. There is knowledge. It's a great piece of evidence for the prosecutors.

The 3 stooges on MSNBC said this is great evidence.... but it's NOT evidence at all! They put thoughts and words in Trump's head while trying to connect it to what he said in a tweet. They said Trump wanted to lie, cheat, and steal the election. And that Trump had knowledge because Team Normal and the grownups in the room told him there was NO election fraud.

This isn't evidence against President Trump. It's evidence that Alex Wagner and her 2 guests are fake news who help the democrat party and their puppet masters steal elections from US.

After this video,  the 3 stooges on MSDNC talked about Trump's state of mind and how he knew the claims he made about the stolen 2020 election were fraudulent. Alex said he knew it was fake. And he knew that he was lying about election fraud. Then one of the lying lawyers said someone overheard Trump say: I Lost. I don't want people to know that I lost.

The 3 stooges on MSNBC spread democrat propaganda for 8 minutes. Then she went to a 5 minute commercial.

When she returned, Alex talked about how in 2019, the island of Samoa had a measles outbreak. And the majority who died were children. She talked about vaccines and how their government had a lock down. She showed children's coffins. And said, why were so many people contracting measles for which we have a vaccine.  Next, she showed how RFK led the anti-vax group that discouraged measles vaccines in Samoa. She blamed him for the outbreak in 2019.

But as we all should know, it's the VACCINES that give you the disease. Yet she blamed NOT getting vaccines for people getting measles. Alex said when Samoa got the outbreak under control by getting more people vaccinated, RFK continued to cast doubt on the vaccines. Then she trashed RFK more. She said Joe Biden polled at 70% in the democrat primary and RFK Junior was at 21%. The fake news host Alex Wagner trashed Kennedy for 8 minutes then brought on Simone Sanders to talk about RFK. Simone called RFK a conspiracy theorist and an anti-vaxxer who tells lies.

Alex said RFK Junior is spreading misinformation about 5G, WIFi, and about how atrazine in the water contributed to depression and gender dysphoria. Then Alex said I think a lot of us think that misinformation is relegated largely to the fringe right. But RFK junior proves that there is a hunger or a paranoia and a latching on to misinformation of this notion that the system is rigged against you. She said there is an appetite for seeing everything as rigged against US.

Simone said to Alex, absolutely. I think you are absolutely right. People would be sorely mistaken to believe that misinformation and disinformation only runs rampant in right wing spaces in American politics. She said said RFK's positions are unpopular. Simone said folks need to be honest about what he is saying just as you have been here on this program.

Alex said the facts are in short supply on the campaign of Robert F Kennedy Junior.

Then she went to her second commercial break. She said when she returns she will talk about how ONE educational official in Oklahoma is twisting history into a knot in order to deny the truth of one of the most shameful episodes of racial violence in this country. Then she went to another 5 minute commercial break.

When she returned, she talked about how a white mob set fire to a prosperous black neighborhood in Tulsa. Oklahoma killing hundreds. The headline on the screen was: Anti-Woke Agenda 1921, White Mob Set Fire To Prosperous black neighborhood in Tulsa, Oklahoma a killing hundreds.

The headline on the screen was THE WAR ON TRUTH. Alex said, Oklahoma Superintendent Ryan Walters is trying to fight CRT and the woke history about how 300 Tulsans who were killed in large part because they were black and thriving. She said what is happening here in Oklahoma is but one front in the Republican war on woke. And it is just the latest example of its devastating affect on American education.

Alex showed a 109 year old BLACK woman who read from papers that someone was flipping for her.  But Alex didn't play any audio of what the 109 year old  said before the Congress, or court, or wherever she was. Alex just said, she's still trying to get her Tulsa reparations. Wagner wants US to believe that this 109 year old black woman hasn't got her reparations. She is a 109 for god's sake. Sounds like she's been living well.

Alex showed video of the Superintendent Ryan Walters of Oklahoma saying, I would never tell a kid that because of the color of skin or gender or anything like that, you are less of a person or are inherently racist. That doesn't mean you don't judge the action of individuals. He said, historically you should. But to say it was inherent because of their skin is where I say that is critical race theory. Then Wagner stopped showing what he was saying, and said he gave a semi-incoherent response.... which she didn't even let us hear any more of.

Alex continued, his anti-woke crusade has drawn a lot of criticism. And even Republicans said they would like to see him settle down his anti-woke crusade and focus on reading and writing and arithmetic and how to bring up test scores.

Then she said DeSantis is doing the same thing to rid his state of woke ideology. And that state records indicate that teachers are leaving their positions in the largest universities. And that they are finding it difficult to fill those positions, especially in African American studies.

Then she went to another almost 5 minute commercial break promising to talk about he anti-woke agenda when she gets back.

When she came back she talked about a new Tennessee law requiring the gender on your state ID to match the gender on your birth certificate. She said the law also included additional restrictions targeting trans youth and their health care decisions. But at least for now those measures have been blocked by a federal judge. The large headline on the screen was Right Wing Trans Mania. Alex said it has become a republican party priority to enact invasive legislation specifically targeting trans people. Then she trashed De Santis for not allowing biological men in the women's restrooms. And for cracking down on drag shows for kids by threatening to revoke liquor licenses of businesses that allow minors into adult live drag performances. She said, Although that has been blocked for now in court too. Then she showed a headline that read "Texas House passes bill aimed at keeping kids from seeing sexually explicit performances."..... like that is a bad thing!!

DRAG SHOW ARE SEXUAL!! They are not for kids unless you are a crazy person and or a pedophile.

Then Alex showed a tweet from the ACLU that read:  almost 500 anti-LGBTQ bills have been introduced nationwide targeting Trans Youth. She showed someone whose face you could not see holding a protest sign that said: Protect Trans Kids with small hearts all around it. Then it said: Protect Me.

Alex said: All of it is part of a national conservative anti-woke crusade then she brought on the nation's first openly transgender state senator who looked like a dude in a wig with a lot of makeup on. She talked to this biological man dressed as a woman for 8 minutes then went to another almost 5 minute commercial break.

When she came back the screen said. Make America Greek Again as she talked about a tall dome in Rome and how they wanted Marble Buildings. Then she said a leader of another country was focused on architecture as well. And showed drawings of a few buildings. Alex let US know there is nothing wrong with classical or neo classical architecture or architecture that is inspired by it. But it is worth noting that the leading autocrats of the 20th century. They had a kind of fetish with neo classical architecture. And that they wanted everything to be built in a way that would harken back to the glory days of the Greek and Roman Empires. She said all the buildings she just showed were works commissioned by Hitler or Mussolini.

Alex said, so given that history it raised a lot of eyebrows, back in 2020 when then President Donald Trump signed an executive order enshrining classical  architecture as the preferred style for federal projects. She said given Trump's anti-democratic tendencies, it seemed..ha ha.  Well, let's say it was notable. When he took office, President Biden rescinded that order but for his part, Donald Trump has not given up on the issue. Alex talked about how Trump wants to get rid of Ugly Buildings when he is reelected for the final minutes of her fake news show.

I am not kidding you. This was the entire fake news show.  If you ever wonder why Americans and foreigners in the USA are so ignorant, partisan, criminal, STUPID, and wrong about everything, look no further than the fake news they watch.

Alex Wagner and her guests on MSNBC are democrat and deep state propagandists who do NOT tell the truth.

Wagner reports democrat and deep state propaganda constantly because that is what she gets paid for. And it's the ONLY reason she has a show on MSNBC.

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