Exploring Nefarious: Interpretive Frames in Today's World - An Analysis

1 year ago

Nefarious, directed by by Chuck Konzelman and Cary Solomon, confronts the audience with the question of our interpretive frame. Is the world an open or closed system? The issue of how we name things; names as shields like calling oneself an atheist. "Our understanding has evolved beyond the possibility of demonic possession" according to the priest who no longer takes the tradition seriously. Danger of relativism. Protagonist didn't know that life is a fight and that's why he's losing. Psychiatrist believes his private life should have no bearing on this encounter. Is Christianity too weak and quiet today?

Michael & The Exorcist: "I Saw Her Crawl Up A Wall" | Fr. Dan Reehil - YouTube

Exorcist Father Vincent Lampert | PBD Podcast | Ep. 179 - YouTube

Sam Harris quote on Moral Relativism (couldnt find that speech on line)

Most moral relativists believe that tolerance of cultural diversity is better, in some important sense, than outright bigotry. This may be perfectly reasonable, of course, but it amounts to an overarching claim about how all human beings should live. Moral relativism, when used as a rationale for tolerance of diversity, is self-contradictory.”
― Sam Harris

"But the consequences of moral relativism have been disastrous. And science's failure to address the most important questions in human life has made it seem like little more than an incubator for technology. It has also given faith-based religion -- that great engine of ignorance and bigotry -- a nearly uncontested claim to being the only source of moral wisdom."

--Sam Harris

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