1 year ago

MARK& TERRI, who proudly served our country terrorized by having their 7 children stolen & to this day they have not been reunited. Almost 20 years later. This couple, I have had the absolute pleasure of knowing, being close friends & collaborating with, have also turned their grief, incomprehensible loss into fighting to help other familes. CPS/FAMILY COURT/CONSTITUTIONAL VIOLATIONS & KIDNAPPING/TRAFFICKING OUR CHILDREN WE WILL NOT STAND FOR!! ALTHOUGH, AS ANY OTHER FREEDOM FIGHT ITS ON WE THE PEOPLE SHARE YOUR STORY WITH US, FIGHT PEACEFULLY WITH US TO END THIS NOW. CALL OUT EVERY WORKER ON YOUR CASE, EVERY JUDGE & ALL PARTIES INVOLVED-MASS CIVIL SUITS-DEMAND CONGRESS AT THEIR DOORSTEP IN NUMBERS TO PUT AND END TO THIS G0V INCENTIVIZED KIDNAPPING & PUTTING CHILDREN WITH THE ABUSER KENTUCKY- ROY HARDY CPS, SHANIQUA POTTER & JUDGE REGINA BARTHOLOMEW (when i’m looking down its bc i’m taking notes)

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