Food Storage: How Old is Too Old?

5 years ago

Your stored foods may be safe to eat much longer than you might think. One excuse we frequently hear for not storing food for emergencies is that the food gets too old before they get around to using it, so they throw it out. Food is an incredibly wise investment, even if you chose not to rotate it. Do not be discouraged by a shelf life printed on the can! In this video, we explore the actual usable shelf-life of stored foods.

Is my food storage still safe to eat after 5 years, 10 years, or even 20 years of sitting in the basement? Can eating old food storage make my family sick?

Properly packaged and stored dry grains can be safely consumed for more than 30 years. Canned foods stored in a cool, dry location, that are not bulging or leaking, can be safely eaten for several years past their best-if-used-by date printed on the can. The vitamin content of stored foods typically decreases with the passage of time, but the caloric and mineral content remains constant. 

To learn more visit the post that this video was based on our post:

Food Storage: How Old is Too Old?

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