14 Compelling Reasons Why You Should Be a Prepper

5 years ago

The media often paints preppers in a less than appealing light because of a few extreme preppers that make an impressive, but a non-realistic story. Real preppers are quite different than Doomsday Preppers.

In this video, we offer 14 great reasons why you should consider joining us and become a real prepper. Becoming a prepper will improve your everyday life as well as give you peace and protection when life’s challenges knock down your door.

Each prepper is getting ready for risks that are specific to their geographical and personal risk factors. To learn what risks you may want to prepare for, visit our post:

Prepper Risk Assessment: What Threats Should You Be Prepared to Survive

Visit the post that this video was based on for more information:

Be Part of the solution: 14 Compelling Reasons to Be a Prepper

Other posts from The Provident Prepper that may interest you include:

Preppers Without Partners: When Preparing is All on YOU

Prepare Now to Survive a Pandemic

12 Ways to Prepare to Survive an Economic Collapse

New Urgency to Prepare for an Extended Power Outage

Need a little help knowing where to start?

You can purchase our book; The Provident Prepper – A Common-Sense Guide to Preparing for Emergencies on Amazon - https://amzn.to/2HrN2YW

Thanks for being part of the solution!

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