Bug Out or Bug In? How to Know When to Go

4 years ago

When should you bug out and when should you bug in? The choice to stay or to go when disaster strikes should be determined by credible, timely information.

If your home and safety are threatened by floodwaters, wildfire, hurricane, HAZMAT or chemical spill, or if civil unrest has escalated to dangerous levels (riots, looting, mass panic, breakdown in civil order), it may be time to bug out.

You may not need to go to a stereotypical bug out location deep in the mountains but it may be wise to evacuate to a predetermined safe place.

The decision to leave the safety of your home should only be made when the dangers of hunkering down at home outweigh the risks of evacuating and becoming a refugee. The majority of scenarios can be best faced from the security of your well-stocked home.

In this video, we explore situations when you may need to bug out as well as when your best option may be to stay in your home. We review guidelines that may help you as you prepare to bug out or bug in.

This video was created based on the information in our post:

Bug Out or Bug In—How to Know When to Go (or Stay)

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