Never Fear ... Prepper Action Plans are Here!

4 years ago

We want to simplify prepping for you. The best way to take advantage of what you learn is to take that knowledge, evaluate it, and create an action plan to implement your new ideas into your life.

In our book, The Provident Prepper – A Common-Sense Guide to Preparing for Emergencies, we have written a detailed action plan for each chapter to help simplify life.

These action plans are free to everyone on our website. No charge and no strings attached. You can access all of our action plans from the main menu.

In this video, we share exactly how to access the action plans on our website and quickly run through the action plans that are available.

You can purchase The Provident Prepper – A Common-Sense Guide to Preparing for Emergencies at:

The book is a great reference tool but you don’t need this book to succeed. We have created many posts and videos on a variety of preparedness subjects and encourage you to visit our website:

We have posts that are full of good information that can get you started on your preparedness journey. Check out some of these posts as well as other YouTube videos.

Prepper Risk Assessment: What Threats Should You Be Prepared to Survive?

Steps to Build a Successful Family Emergency Plan

How to Create the Perfect Emergency Survival Kit

How to Store Water for Emergency Preparedness

Making Water Safe to Drink: 7 Disinfection Techniques

3 Months Supply of Food: Great Peace of Mind

Long Term Food Storage: Creative Solutions to Build a Critical Asset

Long Term Food Storage: Best Containers and Treatment Methods

Best Strategies for Growing a Reliable Survival Garden

Thanks for being part of the solution!

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