Grid Down Emergency Cooking Challenge - Week 4 - Thanksgiving Feast

5 years ago

Our grid-down cooking adventure included a Thanksgiving feast on Sunday. We celebrated the holiday on Sunday because our adult children are going to be enjoying dinner with the in-laws this year.

The feast was a success. It was great to watch the kids rally around and take turns feeding the rocket stove. This challenge is an incredible amount of extra work but we are enjoying building our alternative cooking skills.

Details about our challenge can be found on the post:

30-Day Grid-Down Emergency Cooking Challenge

Do you want to learn more about the Bear River Rocket Stove? Click on the link below. We do not make affiliate fees from the sale of these stoves. We just think that the Bear River Rocket Stoves are a fantastic solution for feeding a lot of people during a long term grid down event with a minimal amount of easy-to-find fuel.

Other posts that may be of interest to you on emergency cooking include:

Charcoal: Inexpensive Fuel for Outdoor Emergency Cooking

Best Alcohol Cooking Fuels for Campers and Preppers

Canned Heat – Safe Fuel for Indoor Emergency Cooking

Retained Heat Cooking: The Secret to Stretching Your Fuel Supplies

Emergency Cooking: 12 Family Favorites

Safe Indoor Emergency Cooking Solutions

Alcohol Stoves – Safe to Use Indoors or Outdoors

Thanks for being part of the solution!

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