Sweet Stillness

1 year ago

Stillness inside to outside. The wind is whipping up cultural chaos in this life season we find ourselves thrust in. Stillness inside is what we need. Our soul still before God, and yielded to Him. Our spirit bowed in that surrender of all things us in this world. We bow our will before the Sovereignty of our God in Awe of Who He is. There is something so beautiful about a soul that has been stilled by God, a spirit that has connected with God, a will that is yielded to God, and a mind that has let be, stilled itself to a place of purely listening up to God. This is when we hear that still small voice inside of us and can be navigated by The Holy Spirit. Yielded: Not my will but Yours. Lord God. Stillness of spirit, soul, mind and will is a beautiful thing.

The enemy of our soul bombards us with distraction, disfunction, disparity, disillusionment, discouragement, and creates a whirlwind of chaos and confusion all around us, so that all we see is the “devil “d” craftiness, and our focus is stolen and our stillness is wrecked. We can’t let Him steal our stillness of soul. God is with us, so very Present at all times, we can reach out of the enemies plan for us, and grasp the mighty right hand of Almighty God, and He can pull us up out of a “Devil D” pit into His sweet stillnesss.

Yield - Believe - Trust and activate our faith, these are the sweet moments we can connect heart to heart with God, shutting out all the cultural chaos and be embraced by a stillness that saturates our soul, shuts down our mind chaos, and focuses our spirit on Him, as we yield to His way, truth and life. Do you have chaos in your soul? Whatever God asks you to do, lean into it, yield to God what you want to do in reaction to your “Devil D” situation, and look up, connect with God, and wait on Him in sweet stillness. Watch in prayer, wait in hope and see the glory of God.

Dig Deeper: https://thebridegroomscafe.com/the-sound-of-silence/

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