Magic Monday Show LIVE - Chart Reading for the Everlasting Now & Starseed Card Readings

1 year ago

A show about the magic within our reality by way of analysis and interpretation of the sacred stories of the stars. We will conduct a LIVE chart reading for the astrology chart of the moment aka. the chart of the everlasting now. Then we will go into a 2 card major arcana tarot card pull for all Zodiac signs starting with Aries.

Catch this show LIVE every Monday at 8pm EST and the replay by Tuesday 11:11am.

Today Venus is at her peak as Queen of the Sky, so we will talk a little bit about Venus and what her upcoming retrograde could mean for you.

To calculate your own personal natal chart for FREE:

For a more personalized Blueprint reading:

To sign up for Warrior Goddess Coaching:

Chat very soon Starseeds! xo
Rachel Z

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