"The Dave Emmons Strange Reality Show, with Dr. Robert Davis."

1 year ago

Dr. Robert Davis is on my show today (recorded 7-7-23), The Dave Emmons Strange Reality Show. Dr. Davis discusses his research with Spiritual Transformative Experiences his conclusions and analysis. Involving research with non-human intelligences reported by experiencers. Why do we need a paradigm shift in science? He has written a best-selling book entitled "Unseen Forces: The Integration of Science, Reality and You. Dr. Davis has authored three books; "The UFO Phenomena: Should I Believe? "Life After Death: An Analysis of the Evidence." The third and newest book: Unseen Forces: The Integration of Science." Dr. Davis discusses ETs, disclosure, life after death, and consciousness, where he says consciousness is vital to understanding life. Dr. Davis received his doctorate in the sensory neuro-sciences from Ohio State. He taught neurosciences and served on the Dr. Edgar Mitchell Research Foundation. He lectures, speaks to prominent Universities, and published over 60 papers in scholarly journals. Dr. Davis also worked with the National Science Foundation. Don't miss this wide-ranging discussion on topics that are important to our lives.

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