How to attain Inner Peace - English

1 year ago

Explore the world of Spirituality:

The Zikr employed by the Naqshbandiah Owaisiah Spiritual Order is 'Zikr-e Qaalbi' or Remembrance of Allah's Name within the heart and the method is termed 'Paass Anfaas', which in Persian means guarding every breath.

Sit in a comfortable and quiet place. Close your eyes. Each ingress or inhale inwards should carry the word 'Allah' to the core of heart and every egress or exhale outwards should bring the word 'Hoo' out to strike the heart. That would create a rhythm of Allah Hoo in every breath. You should however, not try to make these words with the sound of your breath, because the Zikr is not done with the breath but with heart. This spiritual practice should be done twice a day at least for 5 minutes.

Zikr is performed with the heart, using 3 powers:
1. Concentration
2. Vigorous Breathing
3. Body Movement

Once you have performed Zikr for 5-10 minutes, start the Muraqbah or Meditation,
keep your body relaxed and mind at ease. Concentrate on the heart and focus that the word 'Allah' still penetrates into the depths of your heart as you breathe in and when you breathe out the word 'Hoo' rises upwards to Allah's Sublime Throne.
Continue with the Meditation for 2-5 minutes.
Conclude with Prayer.

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