Daniel 7-5 Verse of the day

1 year ago

The Second day of the week known as Monday July 10th, 2023
Daniel chapter 7 verse 5. I dont say much here. As usual dont listen to my nonsense. - Read, study, and meditate on this chapter and book and all the books with our Lord Jesus Christ.
Apologies for spewing words and never saying anything.
Got to run soon, be back in a bit.
Here is an opinion I hold on what to do about busy-ness, procrastination and the like instances wherein we seem unable to conquer our circumstances or emotions and buckle down with God. (and no, I am not always successful at this, sometimes I get overwhelmed and can not sit down with a dedicated student style session to learn from God)
If you have days when "you are not feeling it" know that those are the days to double down and fight the good fight using those things in your arsenal of intelligence that will overcome those "feelings" which have been known for ages to be but fleeting whisps that change at the drop of the hat.
Or simply say - " In the name of Jesus Christ, Not today Satan, today I study and learn about Jesus Christ, God willing! ". - Of course, then one needs to tell everyone this one simple word - "No" - and crack that Bible open with prayer in a quiet place.

Same with business and busy-ness when they crop up totally overwhelming you with things to do that have nothing or little to do with God. Audio books and headphones can help some, except when you are required to communicate with others full time.
The word "No" is highly underrated and I suggest mastering it's use.

So for a chore type situation I may quickly wash the dishes when I need to think on a subject I am studying in the Bible and need some time to digest the information, and might as well start that load of clothes too, then right back to studying.
Those types of things help me when I have earthly needs to take care of, yet have been neglecting study time with God some too, and really need to buckle down
But mostly I just continue praying silently when forced to do earthly things.

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