Pickens Trump Rally Made Fool Out of DeSantis Shill Bill Mitchell

1 year ago

Bill Mitchell has turned himself into a snake oil shill for Ron DeSantis. His big shtick is to pretend that President Trump is no longer really popular with Republican primary voters. To do this Mitchell has to perform absurd mental gymnastics combined with outright pretense. One example is how Mitchell keeps downplaying the size of the Trump rally crowds. Most recently he has been claiming that the July 1 Trump rally in Pickens, SC was really only about 2000. To "prove" this Mitchell has been flooding Twitter with a blizzard of aerial photos of Pickens purporting to show the small crowd size which is an old trick since there is no indication of what time of the day those shots were taken.

On the upside is that Bill Mitchell swore that he would remove himself FOREVER from social media if/WHEN Ron DeSantis either loses or drops out of the 2024 primary.

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