Teenager's plan to eliminate 7M tons of plastic from ocean

9 years ago

19-year-old Boyan Slat, founder and president The Ocean Cleanup, "I have invented a method to clean up almost half of the great Pacific's garbage patch in just 10 years, using the currents to my advantage." Boyan first presented his ideas during a TEDx Talk in Delft, which has inspired many people to assist him in working out his ideas. He was recognized as one of the 20 Most Promising Young Entrepreneurs Worldwide (Intel EYE50). The Ocean Cleanup aims to not only study a solution to help clean the waters, but actually develop the world's first feasible approach to gyre remediation, by using the ocean's currents to its advantage. Directed by Roger Moenks, IAMECO Warrior. Look up and follow The Ocean Cleanup across your favorite social networks!

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