Short Commentary on the Illumination of the Creed - Completion of Unit 1 - Session 2

11 months ago

This is part of our dars series in theology on the creed of the First Three Generations. The text for use is the Short Commentary on the Illumination of the Creed by Imam `Abdul Qadir ibn Badran Ad-Dumi (d.1346), may Allah have mercy upon him.

In this session, the dars focuses on the importance of following the First Three Generations, their relation to the Latter-Day Generations, the dire necessity of adhering to the former and how innovation in the Religion brings much harm.

There are also terms defined such as tafwid, the 14 most regularly referenced Attributes in the Qur'an, As-Sifat ul-Khabariyyah, Akhbar us-Sifat, Ayat us-Sifat and more.

At the end of the dars, there is a question and answer session that covers the explanation of the expression, "The way of the salaf is safer while the way of the khalaf is wiser and more knowledgeable", the first to utter this and why. Along with this are wisdoms taken away from the da`awah of the prophets, peace be upon them, sound application of knowledge and how to have a conversation pertaining to Islam and Salvation.

The text is available for purchase through the link below for those who might wish to follow along and take benefit. Please join us and let us benefit together.

Short Commentary on the Illumination of the Creed

The Creed of the First Three Generations

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