Homosexuals Pressure Mother Into Abortion - Kelly Clarkson's Divorce Made Her Kids Question Love

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Catholic Drive Time - 877-757-9424

Date – Monday, July 10th, 2023 – Saint Cyril and Methodius

Cyril became a monk, and Methodius became a governor. In 861, they were chosen to go to Russia and convert the Jewish Khazars. They did an amazing job and even created a new alphabet called Cyrillic, which is still used today by many people. After that, they went to the Balkans and taught the local people. They translated the Bible into their language and started Catholic communities in places like Bohemia and Hungary.

When Cyril passed away, Methodius faced opposition from some church leaders who didn't like that he was saying Mass in the Slavic language. But with the help of Pope John VII, Methodius overcame those challenges and kept spreading the faith.

They went to Rome to pay their respects to Pope Adrian II. In that time of struggle between the East and the West, the visit and homage the two saints rendered to the Pope was very significant. They had founded a new liturgy, and they wanted to have the approval of the Pope, who granted it.

Saint Cyril and Methodius, pray for us!

INTRO – Happy Friday

When someone uses the OH MY GOD statement. I say Praise be His Holy Name. I dare you to say it.

And – at 15 past the hour, Surrogate mother says homosexuals pressured her to abort late-term baby after cancer diagnosis

Also – at 30 past the hour, Kelly Clarkson Says Divorce from Brandon Blackstock Made Their Kids Question 'Definition of Love'

Plus – in the next hour, Blood of Jesus Our Salvation

As always – we have the fear and trembling game show with a prize from Sophia

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