Are Bill Gates' Mosquitoes Causing Deadly Malaria Outbreak in U.S❓

1 year ago

Bill Gates has been caught releasing billions of diseased mosquitoes in the US and it just so happens that he has a vaccine coming out soon which he says will solve the problem of the diseased mosquitoes.

Months after a Bill Gates tech start-up called Oxitec released billions of genetically modified mosquitoes into the wild, mosquitoes across the US are testing positive to extremely rare and deadly viruses, some of which were eradicated decades ago, and others which have never before been reported in the United States.

[...] it’s not just humans in the firing line. We know the WEF have declared war on our pets, so it should come as no surprise that a mosquito-borne virus that can be lethal to pets is also reportedly on the rise across the country...


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